
Day 2 (Thursday, Apr 28th)

Honestly today and Wednesday and Tuesday for that matter have all jumbled together.  At my 11 am dose of Percocet, Kammy and I decide to cut me back to a ½ tablet to make me more lucid for my first PT Session.  Kammy drives, though I don’t remember much of it.

Physical Therapy (Plus redress & check-in)

At this first physical therapy appointment a Nurse comes to re-do my bandages, have a look to make sure there’s no infection, etc.  He also gives me the go-ahead to shower carefully (no soaking, no baths) but not to remove the water-proof bandages that are left on the various incisions and holes.  He says it looks perfect!

I’ve been careful to keep the same physical therapist that I’ve been working with since the beginning of my pre-hab.  He quickly checks my range of motion (not very much at all) and how I’m doing strength wise. He then explains the exercises for me to do this week: Standing weight-shift for 3-5 minutes; 3-5 minute passive extension; work up to 30 leg-raises each on back, side, stomach; 20 heel slides; hamstring stretch for 1 minute.  I’ve done ½ of these before in pre-hab so we don’t take a long time to demonstrate them.  My quads are in good enough shape that I can skip right past the quad-sets!

Since the pain is still totally manageable (except spasms which don’t seem to be helped by anything) we stick with ½ tablet of Percocet for the evening and bedtime dose.  I decide to set a ½ tablet by my bedside for the middle-of-the-night dose, but that I won’t take it if I don’t wake up needing it.  Even though I still woke up many times during the night (as the previous two) I didn’t think I’d need the pain pills so I didn’t take them.

Posted by Greg on June 30th, 2011 :: Filed under ACL Files
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